Small Penis Contest and the Winner Is...
Duration: 7:38
Views: 2.2K
Submitted: 4 years ago
Submitted by:
missy rhodes
sph humiliation
small penis
sph joi
licking breasts
girls kissing girls
Ashley Fires
Sadie Holmes
«Mature, white wife (44EE-36-47) loves having sex with a tiny cock shemale. 3" erect is her max she'll take but she absolutely prefers 2" or less. She finds a tiny dicked shemale loves a full sized, big, floppy breasted woman going wild for them. They know how to use a tiny 2" or less fully erect penis by using its head to tease her clit head and big, thick pussy lips, she squirts all the time.
She never uses birth control with a tiny dicked shemale, wants to risk a pregnancy as she feels that's what shemale/woman sex is all about, breeding babies, so she's fine with being bred. She had 6 consecutive shemale babies at ages... 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39. Walking around for 6 years with a different shemale baby growing inside her was the best, yet the best was yet to come.
At 52 she had sex with a shemale from a nude beach, never gave it a second thought, until morning sickness set in. She was pregnant, proudly delivered her 7th shemale baby at the unexpected age of 53 and 6 months. 2 months after delivering this shemale baby, she hooked up with the shemale again, at almost 54 another pregnancy, but it gets better! She was pregnancy with shemale twins! She always feels that "she'll have as many shemale babies with each pregnancy as the shemale blesses her with, 1 baby is fine, twins she loves, and triplets would be ecstatic!
She successfully delivered the twins. Then hooked up again with the same shemale 2 months after delivering the twins. Another pregnancy at 55, almost turning 56! This pregnancy made her cry from pleasure, triplets this time!!! 3 shemale pregnancies from the same shemale with 6 shemale babies as the result! And in her 50s no less! They hooked up again after delivering her triplets. At 57 one more shemale baby on the way, another at 58, still another at 59. She tried again at age 60, didn't get pregnant, was very disappointed as she wanted to keep going, having as many shemale babies as her old body would allow, just couldn't get enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»